Monday, 21 October 2024 Login Register



Bird Records 2014  For North Cave Wetlands.


Mute Swan: WeBS counts of two in January, four in February, three in March, five in October, two in November and one in December.

                     Although one pair nested and laid eggs these unfortunately failed to hatch so once again no young were raised on the reserve

                     this year.                       


Whooper Swan: WeBS counts produced six on the December count but none on any of the other count dates.

                            In January five adults on 12th.

                            In February 12 flew North on 23rd.

                            In March 35 flew North on 8th, 70 flew North on 21st, two North on 23rd, one on 25th and 14 flew North on 29th.

                            In June an unseasonal sighting of an adult flying in to land on reserve with a Mute Swan on 5th.

                            In October five, two adults and three juveniles flew south on 16th with a further six adults down on the reserve, the six adults still

                            on 18th before flying off west, 13 flew south on 20th, eight on reserve on 23rd, four flew south on 26th, 46 flew south and two flew

                            south-east on 29th with five seen down on the reserve on 30th with a further eight flying south.

                            In November 50+South on 5th, eight, five North and three South on 8th, five flew south-west on 16th, two flew east on 17th,

                            six flew south on 23rd and18 flew south on 26th.   

                            In December eight flew south on 1st, two flew south on 6th, six flew south-east on 7th and finally ten flew south on 15th.


Pink-Footed Goose: WeBS counts produced 200 in January, two in February, none in March, October or November but 160 in December.

                                   In January 33 flew West on 3rd, one on 8th, two on 11th and 12th, 150 flew North on 18th.

                                   In February one on 1st, two on 16th, 180 flew North on 18th.

                                   In March 110 flew North on 22nd.

                                   In April two on 7th, 9th, 12th and 13th.

                                   In May four on 10th and one on 11th.

                                   In June two on 5th.

                                   In September one on 17th, three on 27th, five on 28th and six on 30th.

                                   In October 109 flew South with 19 flying back North on 1st, one on 2nd, two on 4th, one on 5th, 6th and 10th, 486 flew over on

                                   18th, 200 flew south on 23rd, flocks then commuted back and forth over the reserve most mornings and evenings from

                                   River Humber roosting sites, with 6000 flying north on morning of 24th, 2000 on 25th, 638 on 26th, 3000 on 28th and 6000 on


                                   In November c2000 flew north east on 3rd, 380 flew north-east on 15th, 300 north-east on 16th and five on 29th.

                                   In December 150 flew north on 7th, 600 flew north on 13th, 21 flew west on 20th, 32 flew south on 24th and finally three over

                                   on 29th.      


Tundra Bean Goose: Adult present on 24th November and again on 27th, 29th and 30th.

                                    In December one still present on 1st and 2nd was then joined by two more on 2nd with all three birds remaining till 8th.


Greylag Goose: WeBS counts of 49 in January, 13 in February, 53 in March, 828 in October, 184 in November and none in December.

                            In April the first young of the year were seen 19th, with 6+ pairs breeding rearing at least 20 young between them.  


Canada Goose: WeBS counts of one in January, none in February or March, 32 in October and none in November or December.

                            Other counts made during the year were;

                            In May two on 5th.  

                            In August one on 9th and 29 on 20th.

                            In September 59 on 2nd, 108 on 16th, 135 on 19th and 162 on 21st.


Barnacle Goose: All records probably relate to feral birds from the Humber area,

                              In August one on 9th and 10th.

                              In September one on 3rd.


Egyptian Goose: One on 30th June was the only sighting of the year.


Shelduck: WeBS counts of 32 in January, 86 in February, 79 in March, none in October, two in November and eight in December.

                  Other counts made were;

                  In January 22 on 12th, 26 on 16th, 42 on 18th,40 on 25th, 50 on 26th and 56 on 29th.

                  In February 50 on 1st, 68 on 2nd, 37 on 5th, 68 on 10th, 82 on 16th and 133 on 17th.

                  In March 100+ on 1st, 96 on 2nd and 102 on 8th.

                  In April 44 on 17th.

                  In June three broods of 11, 7 and 4 on 6th, broods of 5 and 2 on 12th.

                  In July four young on 19th and11 young on 29th.

                  In August nine juveniles on 12th.

                  In September a juvenile on 14th.

                  In October one on 18th, 19th and 25th.

                  In November one on 1st, two on 2nd, three on 20th, two on 28th and five on 30th.

                  In December ten on 7th and 9th, five on 11th, three on 20th, 13 on 25th, 19 on 26th, 14 on 30th and 29 on 31st.










Wigeon: WeBS counts of 50 in January, 44 in February, 28 in March, 54 in October, 33 in November and 18 in December.

               Other counts made were;

               In January 43 on 5th, 46 on 12th and 85 on 21st

               In February 46 on 16th and 23rd.

               In March 47 on 2nd, 12 on 8th and 16 on 15th.

               In April six on 4th, nine on 6th with a female on 17th.

               In May male on 17th and 20th, with one on 30th and 31st

               In June male on 6th, 12th, 13th, 17th and 22nd.

               In July eclipse male on 20th, 23rd, 25th and 31st.

               In August eclipse male still on 1st, with two on 28th.

               In September one on 2nd, three on 3rd, one on 6th, four on 9th, two on 11th, 14th, one on 16th, 17 on 19th, 18 on 21st, 22 on 23rd, 28 on 27th,

               34 on 29th and 23 on 30th.

               In October 46 on 8th, 53 on 10th, 40 on 13th and 77 on 29th,

               In November 48 on 1st, 30 on 5th, 40 on 15th, 42 on 16th and 22 on 28th.

               In December 18 on 7th, 36 on 11th, 50 on 20th, 78 on 21st and 25th.


Gadwall: WeBS counts of 76 in January, 94 in February, 66 in March, 46 in October, 18 in November and 58 in December.

                In June broods of seven, six and two on 12th with 89 adults on 13th.

                In December 50 on 31st.


Teal: WeBS counts of 515 in January, 353 in February, 209 in March, 441 in October, 716 in November and 953 in December.

         Other counts made during the year were;

          In February 466 on 5th.

          In June one on 17th was an unusual mid-summer sighting.


Green-winged Teal: Drake present from 2013 remained till 15th January.


Mallard: WeBS counts of 159 in January, 80 in February, 43 in March, 263 in October, 267 in November and 251 in December.

              In April the first brood of 11 were seen on 10th with five broods seen on 29th.                                  

              Year round resident with at least 28 pairs breeding hatching at least 122 young between them.


Pintail: In August a female flew south on 29th.

             In September eclipse drake on 21st.

             In October two flew South on 4th.

             In November female on 15th


Garganey: In April pair on 28th.

                   In August one on 12th.


Shoveler: WeBS counts of 12 in January, 28 in February, 42 in March, 65 in October, 20 in November and 20 in December.

                 Other counts made during year were;

                 In January 43 on 1st with 34 on 5th.

                 In March 38 on 15th and 35 on 30th.

                 In June pair with 6 young on 13th with two pairs with three young each on 29th.

                 In October 68 on 18th and 70 on 26th.


Red-crested Pochard: In November six, four males and two females on 2nd was the only report of the year.


Pochard: WeBS counts of 30 in January, 31 in February, 2 in March, eight in October, 29 in November and 19 in December.


Tufted Duck: WeBS counts of 16 in January, 35 in February, 59 in March, 20 in October, 14 in November and 28 in December.

                       In June pair with 11 young on 15th and four pairs with 31 young between them on 28th.

                       In July 31 ducklings counted on 19th.


Scaup: Adult drake on 4th April.


Common Scoter:  In June 13 birds, all drakes on 5th.


Goldeneye: WeBS counts of none in January, February, March, October or November but one in December.

                     In February male on 24th.                                                                                    

                     In October female on 30th.

                     In November two on 10th, one on 11th and 14th, two on 15th, male on 21st, male and female on 29th.

                     In December female on 4th, 7th and 10th, immature male on 16th, 17th and 20th, adult and immature males on 24th, immature male

                     on 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th.      


Smew: Female present from 4th February to 9th March, probably returning bird from previous year.








Goosander: In January two on 5th, 8th and16th, one male and two females on 19th, female on 22nd, three females on 29th and three males and two

                     females on 31st.

                     In February four females on 1st, two males and six females on 2nd, two pairs on 8th and 9th with one pair on 16th.

                     In March four females on 2nd, male and four females on 6th, male and two females on 16th.

                     In April female on 6th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 20th with two on 27th.

                     In November two females on 29th.

                     In December pair on 10th, two males and a female on 22nd, 25th and 26th.    


Red-legged Partridge: Year round resident on and around the reserve with some large flocks 50+ seen in autumn due to local releases for game



Grey Partridge: Very scarce bird around the reserve nowadays with the only reports being;

                           In February three on 21st.

                           In April one on 5th and 6th.


Pheasant: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers.


Little Grebe: WeBS counts of one in January, two in February, five in March, 13 in October, eight in November and six in December.

                      In June pair with two young seen on 1st, two pairs one with two young and one with three young on 28th.

                      In July pair with three young on 29th.                                                                    

                      The highest count made during the year was in August with 22 on 26th.


Great Crested Grebe: WeBS counts of one in January, four in February, six in March, five in October, four in November but none in


                                      In March seven on 15th.

                                      In June pair with two young on 6th, 2 more pairs nesting by 22nd but failed to raise any young.


Black-necked Grebe: Two summer plumaged birds on 5th May.


Cormorant: WeBS counts of five in January, one in February, none in March, one in October, none in November and eight in December.


Little Egret: WeBS counts produced one in February but none in any other count dates.

                     In January one on 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th.

                     In February one on 1st to 4th, 8th and 9th, 14th to 19th, 21st to 24th and 26th to 28th.

                     In March one on 2nd.

                     In April one on 23rd, 24th, and 29th.

                     In May two on 12th and one on 20th.

                     In June one on 17th, 26th and 27th.

                     In July one roosted on 16th and 27th.

                     In August one on 7th, 10th, 15th, 24th, 29th and 30th.

                     In October one on 19th.

                     In November one on 1st, 11th, 22nd, 28th, 29th and 30th.

                     In December one on 1st, 8th, 9th, two birds roosted overnight on 13th and 19th, one on 21st, two again roosted on 24th, 27th, 28th and

                     one on 30th.  


Great White Egret: One on 3rd August and was present only briefly before flying off North and lost to view, this was only the second record for the



Grey Heron: WeBS counts produced one in February but none on any other count dates.

                      Increasingly common on and over reserve with the following sightings being recoded;

                      In January one flew north on 1st and 3rd with one on 11th.

                      In February one on 16th.

                      In April one flew south on 16th.

                      In May one flew south on 3rd, one on 10th and 17th.

                      In June one on 1st, one north on 13th, five flew over on 19th, two flew west on 23rd, one south on 28th, two flew south on 29th.

                      In July one on 4th and 5th, two on 15th, one on 18th, 19th and 20th, two on 22nd and 25th, five on 26th, three on 27th and four on 29th.  

                      In August two on 1st, three on 2nd, two on 3rd and 11th, one on 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 22nd and 24th and three on 29th.

                      In September three on 6th, one on 12th, four on 14th one on 16th,  one on 21st and 24th, two on 25th and one on 30th.

                      In October two on 4th, one on 5th and 8th, two on 10th, one on 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 22nd, 24th, 25th and 30th.

                      In November one on 1st, three on 12th, one on 15th and two on 22nd.  

                      In December one on 11th.


Red Kite: Sporadic sightings of this species over the reserve.

                 In January one on 21st.

                 In February three on 2nd, 20th and 26th.

                 In March one on 9th, two on 15th, one on 17th, two on 23rd and one on 26th.   

                 In April one on 10th and 12th.

                 In May one on 18th.

                 In August one on 15th.






Marsh Harrier: In January female on 1st, immature male on 3rd, 5th and 7th, one on 9th, 10th and 11th, female on 14th, immature again on 18th, 19th

                          21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th.

                          In February one on 1st, female on 9th, male on 12th, 14th, 15th and 16th, female on 21st and one on 26th.

                          In March female on 4th, immature male on 7th, female on 15th, 21st, 23rd and 24th.

                          In April female flew North on 5th, and again on 6th, female flew south on 16th and 18th.

                          In May female on 22nd and 23rd.

                          In June juvenile flew over on 14th and again on 22nd and 26th.

                          In July male on 12th and 18th.

                          In August one on 19th, male on 21st, one flew east on 28th with three on 21st.

                          In September one on 1st and 17th.

                          In October one on 4th, 5th, 9th, 18th and 19th with female on 27th.

                          In November two females on 3rd and 5th, male on 7th, male on 16th and 26th with two on 28th and 29th.  

                          In December female on 14th and 15th, immature/female on 19th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 25th and 26th, male, female and immature    

                          on 27th.    


Hen Harrier: Adult male flew East over reserve on 1st December.


Montagu’s Harrier: Adult male flew North over reserve on 5th July and again on 29th July.

                                First records for the reserve and thought most likely to refer to male from well-known breeding pair around Blacktoft Sands



Sparrowhawk: Seen on and off throughout the year mainly single birds seen with two together on occasions.


Buzzard: Increasingly common sight around the reserve, seen in every month of the year with up to six birds at time displaying in the spring

                with up to a dozen birds seen in the air together in autumn.


Kestrel: Seen in every month of the year usually single birds but up to four birds seen in the air together displaying in spring.  


Merlin: In October female flew East on 26th.

             In November male seen on 16th and 20th.

             In December one flew over reserve on 15th.


Hobby: In May one on 18th, was the first of the year.

             In May one on 11th and 26th with two on 30th.

             In June one on 7th and 29th.

             In July one on 19th and 23rd.

             In August one on 4th, 10th and 25th.

             In September one on 7th and 10th.

             In October one flew South on 10th.


Peregrine: In January one on 1st, 5th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th.

                   In February one on 1st, 2nd, two on 5th, one on 8th, 15th, 16th (eating a Coot), 18th, 20th (eating a Coot), 21st and 23rd.

                   In March one on 21st, juvenile on 24th and one on 30th.

                   In May one on 7th.

                   In June one on 7th, 14th and 19th.

                   In July one on 23rd with a juvenile flying South on 29th.

                   In August one on 18th and 31st.

                   In September two on 7th, one on 13th and 14th.

                   In October one on 2nd, female on 5th, 19th and 20th, one on 26th.

                   In November one flew south on 9th, with one on 27th.

                   In December one flew north on 5th with a female on 14th.


Water Rail: In January one on 4th, 5th, 11th, 13th, 18th and 19th.

                    In February one on 2nd.

                    In October one on 5th and 16th, two on 24th and 29th.

                    In November one on 15th, 16th, 22nd and 29th with two on 30th.

                    In December one on 4th, 6th, 7th, 20th, 27th and 31st.


Moorhen: WeBS counts of ten in January, 13 in February, 15 in March, 27 in October, 29 in November and 20 in December.

                 Year round resident with between12 and 15 pairs breeding raising 20+ young between them but many young succumbed to predation.


Coot: WeBS counts of 141 in January, 147 in February, 91 in March, 332 in October, 87 in November and 116 in December.

           Year round resident on the reserve with at least 15 pairs breeding.


Oystercatcher: WeBS counts of none in January, two in February, 14 in March, and none in October, November or December.

                          In February one on 6th was the first of the year with six on 10th, ten on 14th and 15 on 23rd.

                          In June pair with two chicks on 10th and 12th, two pairs with two chicks each on 13th, 14th and 21st.









Avocet: : WeBS counts of none in January or February but five in March, none in October, November or December.  

                 In March three on 4th were the first of the year, four on 6th and 7th, 18 on 8th, one on 9th, three on 16th, 17 on 21st, 34 on 23rd, 12 on 24th.

                 In April 23 on 1st, four on 3rd, nine on 4th, 61 on 5th, 28 on 8th, 28 on 11th, 16 on 12th, 25 on 13th, 43 on 17th, 47 on 18th, 60 on 19th, 78 on  

                 20th, 56 on 22nd, 64 on 25th, 82 on 26th and 27th with 39 pairs sitting by 29th.

                 In May, chicks counted were four on 12th, 19 on 20th, 17 on 23rd, 11 on 26th and six on 31st.

                 In June chicks counted were, six on 1st and 6th, seven on 7th, nine on 8th and 10th, six on 13th, 14th and15th, four on 17th, two on 20th,

                 eight on 21st and 22nd with five on 26th.

                 In July adult and one young on 2nd, adult and two young on 9th, six young on 15th and18th, three young on 19th, four young on 20th and

                 23rd, six young on 26th, two young on 29th, pair with three young on 31st.

                 In August adult with three young on 1st, two young on 2nd, two adults and two young on 3rd, one adult and one young on 5th, one juvenile

                 on 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th with a juvenile seen on 23rd being the last sighting for the year.

                 A total of 32 pairs bred or attempted to breed on the reserve, the majority of chicks that did hatched were lost due to predation with

                 only one or two surviving to fledge successfully.


Little Ringed Plover: In March two on 23rd were the first of the year, three on 24th, two on 25th, 28th and 29th with four on 30th and three on 31st.

                                    In April four on 4th, six on 5th, four on 7th, ten on 8th, three on 17th, six on 27th and11 on 29th.   

                                    In May ten on 1st.

                                    In June at least two pairs were breeding.

                                    In July two on 15th, juvenile on 19th, pair with juvenile on 23rd, 25th, 26th, nine with one juvenile on 27th, three on 29th,

                                    four adults and one juvenile on 31st.

                                    In August adult and juvenile on 1st, four adults and a juvenile on 2nd, three adults and two juveniles on 3rd, two on 5th,

                                    three adults and three juvenile on 8th, three juveniles on 9th and 10th, one on 12th, two on 16th, adult and juvenile on 20th,

                                    juvenile on 21st, 25th, 26th, and 27th.  


Ringed Plover: WeBS counts of three in March but none in any other count month.  

                          In February one on15th was the first of the year with two on 21st to 25th, one on 27th and three on 28th.

                          In March one on 1st and 2nd, three on 3rd, four on 5th and 7th, three on 8th, two on 11th and 15th, four on 16th, seven on 21st, five on

                          30th and four on 31st.

                          A colour ringed bird on 23rd March had been ringed in Southern Iceland in 2011.

                          In April five on 5th, three on 7th and 8th, two on 9th, two on 17th and four on 29th.

                          In May 14 on 7th, one on 10th, eight pairs siting and one pair with three young on 12th, two young on 24th.

                          In June seven ‘Tundae’ race birds on 1st, two birds on 10th, one on 14th, 15th and 20th.

                          In July two on 18th and one on 25th,   

                          In August one on 30th.

                          In September one on 1st and 3rd was the last report of the year.


Golden Plover: In January 54 south on 1st, 80 south on 3rd, 70 south on 7th, 200 south on 11th and 50 south on 25th.

                           In February 260 south on 1st, one on 22nd and 600+ south on 23rd.

                           In April 11 south on 5th.

                           In August five flew south on 2nd, 40 south on 3rd, 14 flew south-east on 8th, four flew east on 13th, 22 flew west on 25th,

                           70 flew east on 27th, eight on 29th and 40 flew south on 31st.

                           In September 83 on 6th, one flew east on 7th, one flew South on 13th, 250 on 14th, eight on 20th, 50 on 28th, 100 on 29th and 60

                           on 30th.

                           In October 33 south on 3rd, 100 on 5th, 11 South on 10th, 3 flew South on 14th, 270 flew south on 18th, ten on 24th, 25 south on

                           28th and 200 south on 29th with a further 40 landing on reserve itself.

                           In November 14 flew south on 1st, two flew south west on 7th, 60 flew south on 13th, 300 flew south on 14th and one south on 30th.  


Grey Plover: One flew south on 30th January and was the only sighting of the year.


Lapwing: : WeBS counts of none in January, 92 in February, 37 in March, 245 in October, 312 in November and 135 in December.

                   In April the first chicks were seen on 21st,

                   In June 2 chicks on 6th.

                   In August a year high count of 712 was made on 15th.


Little Stint: In May one on 12th and 13th.

                    In September one seen on 17th, 18th and 20th.


Red-necked Phalarope: Adult summer plumaged female present on 18th and 19th May and was a new species for the reserve.


Sanderling: Two on 20th May were the only report of the year.














Dunlin: In February two on 24th were the first of the year, with six on 25th, one on 27th and three on 28th.

             In March five on 8th, seven on 9th, three on 11th and 14th, two on 15th, one on 16th, 12 on 17th, 16 on 18th, 19th, five on 20th, 19 on 21st,

             ten on 22nd, 11 on 23rd, four on 24th, seven on 26th, 27th and one on 28th

             In April one on 1st and 4th, eight on 5th, one on 7th, 8th and 12th, three on 14th, two on 17th, 21st and  24th, three on 26th, ten on 29th and11 on


             In May one on 1st and 10th,11 on 2nd, three on 3rd, two on 5th and 7th, four on 9th, ten on 10th, five on 11th, tree on 12th, two on 13th and one

             on 23rd.

             In July six on 18th, one on 20th and 22nd, two on 25th and one on 26th.

             In September one on 6th, 7th and 12th.

             In October one on 15th.

             In November six on 9th, one on 21st, one on 28th, two on 29th and 30th.

             In December one flew north on 26th.


Ruff: In February one on 25th was the first of the year.

         In March three on 19th.

         In April one on 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th, five on 16th, one on 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 26th,  27th and 28th.

         In May one on 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th, two on 19th, one on 20th and 23rd.

         In June one flew south on 28th.

         In July one flew South on 11th with three on 12th.

         In August one on 11th and15th, three on 16th and 17th, two on 25th with one on 26th.

         In September one on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, four on 14th and finally one on 21st.


Curlew Sandpiper: One on 8th May was the only report of the year.


Jack Snipe: WeBS Counts of four in January, two in February, none March, one in October, five in November and ten in December.

                     In February two on 15th.

                     In October one on 12th.

                     In November one on 6th and five on 8th.

                     In December six on 8th.


Snipe: WeBS Counts of eight in January, 12 in February, three in March, 11 in October, 21 in November and 16 in December.

            In April two on 12th.

            In June one on 7th.

            In July one on 3rd and 7th with six on 15th.   

            In August ten on 1st.

            In September one on 6th.


Woodcock: In March one on 2nd was the only sighting of the year.


Black-Tailed Godwit: In April seven on 17th and 18th, one on19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd and eight on 24th.

                                     In July ten on 4th, one on 5th, six on 6th, two on 7th, one on 18th, 19th, 22nd and 26th with a further 17 flying South over  


                                     In August three flew south on 12th with nine on 14th, three on 15th, four on 17th and six on 31st.

                                     In September one on 1st, four on 13th and finally one on 16th.


Bar-tailed Godwit: In July one flew over on 19th.

                                In September one on 2nd.


Turnstone: In September one on 23rd was only report of the year.


Whimbrel: In April one on 5th was the first of the year with one on 26th, six on 29th.

                   In May one on 1st, 38 on 2nd, one on 3rd, two on 5th, three on 7th and 9th, one on 10th and two on 12th.

                   In June one on 12th.

                   In July one on 29th.

                   In August one flew south on 25th and was the last report for the year.


Curlew: Seen regularly flying over reserve in small numbers in spring and autumn with notable counts of;

              In March 12 north on 7th.

              In April 23 flew north on 6th.

              In November 19 flew south on 28th.


Redshank: WeBS Counts of 27 in January, 36 in February, 23 in March, none in October, five in November and 12 in December.

                    Other counts made during the year were;

                    In January 21 on 16th, 31 on 18th, 37 on 20th and 28 on 29th.

                    In February 17 on 4th, 43 on 17th and 73 on 18th.

                    In March 14 on 21st and 30 on 24th.

                    In April 36 on 24th.

                    In June one pair proven to have bred with a juvenile seen on 15th and 20th with one on 29th.

                    In July adult and juvenile on 15th, one on 26th, pair with juvenile on 27th.

                    In August two on 3rd and one on 22nd.  

                    In September two on 6th.

                    In November one on 1st and five on 13th.  



Turnstone: In April one on 28th was the only report of the year.


Greenshank: In April one on 25th was the first of the year.

                       In May one flew north on 5th with three on 19th.

                       In July one on 12th, 19th and 31st.

                       In August one on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and  7th, four on 8th and 9th, one on 16th, two on 19th and three on 29th.

                       In September one on 1st, 3rd, 16th and 17th.

                       In October five flew South-East on 7th.


Green Sandpiper: In April one on 6th was the first of the year with one on 10th.

                               In June one on 28th.

                               In July one on 18th, two on 19th, one on 20th, 23rd, 25th, 26th and 29th.

                               In August one on 5th and 8th, two on 10th, one on 14th, 16th, 17th and 22nd, two on 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st.

                               In September four on 1st, three on 2nd, four on 3rd, one on 5th, two on 6th, three on 8th, one on 9th, 11th and 17th, two on 23rd and

                               25th, one on 26th and 27th with two on 30th.

                               In October two on 1st, one on 2nd and 3rd, three on 5th, one on 11th and 16th, two on 17th, one on 18th, two on 19th, one on 29th

                               and two on 30th.

                               In November one on 9th, 21st, 22nd and 25th.  

                               In December one on 14th and 20th.


Spotted Redshank: In July one on 8th was only report of the year.


Wood Sandpiper: In May one on 19th was only report of the year.


Common Sandpiper: In April one on 1st was the first of the year with one on 18th to 24th, with two on 25th, and one on 26th and two 29th.

                                    In May one on 3rd, 7th, 8th and 9th, three on 14th, two on 20th and 23rd.   

                                    In July two on 6th, one on 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th and18th, two on 19th, one on 20th and 22nd, four on 23rd, one on 24th to 27th

                                    with three on 29th.

                                    In August three on 1st, two on 2nd, one on 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th, two on 16th, one on 17th and 19th, two on 20th and 21st, one on

                                    22nd, four on 23rd, three on 23rd, one on 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th.

                                    In September one on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th and two on 23rd.


Little Gull: In April two winter plumaged birds on 10th with one first summer bird on 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th.

                   In May first summer still on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th to14th, 16th, 17th, 24th, 25th and 30th.


Black-headed Gull: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 1000 pairs breeding, raising an average of two chicks each.


Mediterranean Gull: In January adult winter on 4th was the first of the year.

                                   In February adult winter flew north on 15th.

                                   In March adult on 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th, adult and 2nd summer on 19th to 29th, three, two adults and 2nd

                                   summer on 30th, one, 2nd summer on 31st.

                                   In April 2nd summer on 1st, adult and 2nd summer on 2nd. 4th and 5th, three, two adults and 2nd summer on 6th,

                                   adult and 2nd summer on 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th, three, adult and two 2nd summers on 12th, 13th, 14th and 16th,

                                   adult and summer on 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2nd summer on 25th,

                                   four, adult, two 2nd summer and a 1st summer on 26th, seven, three adults, two 2nd summers and two first summers on 28th.   

                                   In May four on 3rd, six on 5th with an adult, three second summer and two first summer birds on 6th, five, one adult, two

                                   second summer and two first summer birds,  seven on 7th, five on 9th, four on 12th, three+ on 24th, three on 25th, 26th, 27th,

                                   28th, 29th, 30th and 31st.

                                   In June a single chick hatched to the breeding pair on 1st and so was the first successful breeding record for the reserve.

                                   The usual pair with chick plus another adult on 3rd, pair with chick still present on 7th, 12th and 14th with an additional first

                                   summer bird also present on 14th , chick present till 22nd only and not seen subsequently and assumed to have been

                                   predated overnight, pair on 25th, adult on 26th, three two adults and 2nd summer on 28th, four, adult two 2nd summer and a 1st

                                   summer on 29th, pair on 30th.

                                   In July two on 2nd and 6th with a 2nd summer on 18th being last report of the year.


Common Gull: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with up to 200 birds seen at times with150 seen on 25th April.


Herring Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with counts of 100+ seen occasionally in pre-roost gatherings during the autumn.


Yellow-legged Gull: Adult on 28th November was only sighting of the year.


Caspian Gull: Adult on 29th November was only report of the year. 


Lesser Black-backed Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with occasional large gatherings of up to 200 birds in autumn.


Greater Black-backed Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with occasional large gatherings the highest of which was 200+ on



Black Tern: Two on 1st May were the first of the year, with one on 19th May.

                     In September a juvenile on 3rd was last sighting of the year.






Common Tern: In April two on 24th were the first of the year with ten on 25th, five on 26th and six on 27th.

                           In May 30 on 1st and 24 on 9th.

                           In June the first young were seen on 15th with a total of 12 pair siting, but several nests on Dryham Ings were predated overnight

                           on 21st June, six birds were seen on 28th.

                           In July eight juveniles on 18th, 11 juveniles on 19th and 22nd.

                           In August four on 22nd, adult and four juveniles on 30th.

                           In September two on 3rd, one on 5th with two on 6th and 7th being the last sightings of the year.


Arctic Tern: In April four on 20th, two on 21st and 22nd, one on 23rd, three on 24th, five on 25th, two on 26th and 27th and four on 30th.

                    In May report of 38 thru the reserve on 1st, one on 2nd and 10th and four on 11th.


Stock Dove: Seen on and off throughout the year in small numbers.


Woodpigeon: Year round resident on and around the reserve with large flocks of several hundred in surrounding fields during autumn and winter

                        months  at least two pair bred on the reserve.


Turtle Dove: One on 21st July was only sighting of the year.


Cuckoo: In May one heard singing on 26th was the first report of the year, with one heard again on 2nd June.

                In August a juvenile was seen on 24th.


Barn Owl: In May one on 29th.

                  In June breeding was proven to have taken place in the nest box on site with four chicks two male and two female ringed on 22nd.

                  In July one on 5th and 12th, family group on seen on17th with one on 20th and21st.

                  In August one on 26th and 31st.

                  In September one on 9th.

                  In November one on 7th.


Tawny Owl: In May one heard calling on 20th.

                     In November two heard calling on 29th.


Swift: In May 30+ over reserve on 7th.

           In August three on 12th August and two on 19th and finally one on 27th was the last report of the year.


Kingfisher: In March one on 21st, 23rd and 31st.

                    In April one on 1st.

                    In May on 31st six, a pair with four young was first confirmed breeding record for reserve.

                    In June pair and four young seen on 1st with two young still on 7th.

                    In July one on 7th and 9th, adult and juvenile seen on 15th with one on 20th.

                    In August one on 3rd, 8th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd and 28th with two on 31st.   

                    In September one on 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 17th and 22nd  two on 23rd, 27th, 29th and 30th.

                    In October one on 1st, 5th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 19th, 22nd, 24th, 25th and 26th.

                    In November two on 3rd, one on 7th, 10th and 12th, two on 14th, one on 16th, 18th, 21st and 30th.   

                    In December one on 20th, 21st and 27th.


Green Woodpecker: In January one on 1st, 3rd, 4th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 29th and 31st.

                                   In February one on 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th with two on 17th.

                                   In April one on 12th.

                                   In June one on 29th.

                                   In July one on 10th, 12th, 15th, 19th, 23rd and25th.

                                   In August one on 1st, 2nd, 16th, 19th, 25th and 27th.  

                                   In September one on 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 19th and 23rd, two on 24th, one on 26th and 28th.

                                   In October one on 2nd, 5th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th, 26th and 29th.

                                   In November one on 1st and 2nd.  

                                   In December one on 9th, 25th and 28th.  


Great Spotted Woodpecker: Seen on and off throughout the year usually just single birds with occasionally two birds seen together.


Skylark: Seen on and off throughout the year with the first singing bird on 25th January.

               In October 40+ flew South on 5th.


Sand Martin: Two on 17th March were the first of the year with four on 20th, three on 21st and six on 22nd.

                       In June 150+ nest holes were found to be occupied.


Swallow: One on 4th April was the first of the year, with occasional flocks of up to 50 birds feeding low over reserve lakes in poor weather.

                 In October one South on 10th was last report of the year.            


House Martin: One on12th April was the first of the year with occasional flocks of c20 feeding over reserve at times.


Meadow Pipit: Very scarce this year with just occasional reports of mainly single birds.


Rock Pipit: One on 9th March was the only sighting of the year.



Yellow Wagtail: Three on 5th April were the first of the year with one on 6th, two on 8th and 9th, one on 11th and13th, seven on 16th, eight on 19th,

                           six on 20th and seven on 28th.

                           In July one juvenile on 15th, 20th and 25th.

                           In August two juveniles on 1st and 2nd, ten on 4th, four on 10th, two on 12th, seven on 15th, 20 on 16th, three on 19th, ten on 20th and

                           22nd, five on 23rd, five on 28th and 31st.

                           In September one on 7th, 12th and13th.


Grey Wagtail: In February one on 1st, 2nd and10th, two on 22nd and one on 23rd.

                        In March one on 1st, two on 11th, one on 15th, 21st and 24th, two on 26th and one on 29th.

                        In April one on 12th.

                        In May one on 7th.

                        In August one on 22nd and two on 31st.

                        In September three on 7th and one on 25th.

                        In October one on 16th, 19th, 22nd and 24th, two on 25th, one on 27th and 29th.                       

                        In November one on 14th and two on 29th.  


Pied Wagtail: Year round resident on the reserve with the odd pair breeding. 

                        Notable counts made were;

                        In February 18 on 2nd and 23 on 4th.

                        In March 18 on 11th.

                        In April 23 on 5th.


White Wagtail: In April one on 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 16th, three on 17th, two on 20th and 26th.  


Wren: Year round resident on the reserve in small numbers with the odd pair breeding.


Dunnock: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Robin: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Whinchat: In August one on 9th, two on 20th and 27th.


Wheatear: In April two on 13th, one on 14th and 28th.

                  In August one on 16th and 17th.


Fieldfare: In January 50+ on 20th.

                 In October several small flocks west through the reserve on 16th.

                 In November 20+ on 22nd.

                 In December 100+ on 11th.


 Blackbird: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding and some larger autumn counts of 20+ birds seen on occasions.


Song Thrush: Year round resident on the reserve with at least one pair breeding.

                        In October small fall on 16th with ten on 24th.


Redwing: In October two on 15th, several small flocks west through reserve on 16th with small numbers seen on 25th.

                 In December 100+ on 11th.


Mistle Thrush: In January one on 5th was only reported sighting of the year.


Sedge Warbler: In April one on 16th was the first of the year with two birds singing by 19th.

                           The last of the year was seen on 7th September.   

                           At least ten pairs bred.


Reed Warbler: In April one singing on 21st was the first of the year.

                          In September one on 12th and 23rd and finally one on 27th was last report of the year.

                          At least 8 pairs bred in the reserves reedbeds.


Treecreeper: In February one on 10th.

                       In August one on 2nd.

                       In October one on 29th.

                       In November two on 10th.

                       In December one on 4th, 8th and 30th.


Lesser Whitethroat: In April one singing on 14th was the first of the year.

                                   In July family group on 8th.

                                   At least two pairs bred.


Whitethroat: In April one on 14th was the first of the year.

                      Four or five pairs bred.


Grasshopper Warbler: One reeling on 18th April was the only report of the year.


Garden Warbler: In May one on 17th was the first of the year with one still on 20th.

                             In June one on 6th.

                             In July one on 12th, 18th and 26th.

                             In August one on 24th.

                             In September one on 6th.


Blackcap: In April one on 5th was the first of the year with four singing on 7th.  

                  At least four pairs bred on the reserve.


Chiffchaff: In February two singing on 17th were the first of the year with one on 19th and two again on 24th and one on 27th.

                   In March one on 1st and 2nd, two on 3rd, one on 8th, 9th, 13th and 16th,  two on 21st, one on 22nd, three on 23rd, one on 24th and 26th,

                   three on 29th and one on 30th.  

                   In April one on 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 13th.  

                   In May two on 3rd, one on 11th, 19th, 26th and 31st.

                   In June one on 7th, 10th and 14th.

                   In August one on 30th.

                   In September one on 23rd and 24th.

                   In October one still singing on 5th with two on 10th and one on 16th.

                   In November one on 22nd and 24th was unusual.

                   In December one was still present on 1st and 11th.


Willow Warbler: In April one on 6th was the first of the year.

                            In May one on 26th.

                            In June one on 14th.


Goldcrest: In January one on 3rd, 19th, 21st, 29th and 31st.

                   In February one on 2nd, two on 3rd, one on 10th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th,  23rd and 27th.

                   In March two on 1st, 2nd and 4th with one on 9th.

                   In August one on 31st.

                   In September one on 2nd, two on 14th, three on 23rd and two on 28th.

                   In October one on 2nd, 13th, 15th and 16th, two on 18th, one on 19th, four on 24th, two on 25th, one on 26th and  two on 29th.                   

                   In November two on 1st, one on 2nd, two on 15th,  one on 16th, 28th and 29th.

                   In December one on 4th, 9th and 20th, two on 21st, one on 25th, two on 26th and one on 27th.    


Spotted Flycatcher: In August one on 19th, 20th, 24th, and 25th, two on 27th, one on 28th, 29th and 31st.


Long-tailed Tit: Year round resident on and around the reserve. One or two pairs bred.


Blue Tit: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 3 pairs using nest boxes on the reserve.


Great Tit: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 3 pairs using nest boxes on the reserve.


Coal Tit: In February one on 22nd and 23rd.

               In June one on 8th.

               In July one on 19th.

               In September one on 2nd.

               In October one on 26th.


Marsh Tit: In June a juvenile was seen on 12th.


Jay: In February one on 10th.

        In August one on 24th.

        In September one on 22nd.

        In October one on 3rd, 4th, 16th, 20th and 24th.

        In November one on 9th.


Magpie: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers with at least one pair breeding.


Jackdaw: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with some large pre roost gatherings during the winter months.


Rook: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with some large pre roost gatherings during the winter months.


Carrion Crow: Year round resident on and around the reserve with one pair raising three young.


Starling: Year round resident on and around the reserve.

                In December roost of c3000 birds on 13th and14th with c500 roosting on 19th.


House Sparrow: An increasingly common resident on the reserve, mainly centered on the reserve entrance where birds take advantage of

                            the presence of ‘The Wild Bird’ café and the free handouts, flocks of up to 30 seen at times with adults feeding young indicating

                            birds are now breeding either on or near the reserve.


Tree Sparrow: A winter flock of 50+ birds seen, up to 5 pairs bred in the reserves nest boxes.



Chaffinch: Year round resident in small numbers with a few pair breeding on the reserve.


Greenfinch: Year round resident in small numbers with one or two pairs breeding on the reserve.


Goldfinch: Year round resident in small numbers with the odd pair breeding on the reserve.


Siskin: In January ten+ on 1st, one on 5th, 25 on 25th and 15 on 26th.     

             In February 20+ on 1st, 40 on 2nd, six on 3rd, 20 on 7th, ten on 8th, 20 on 10th and ten on 23rd.

             In March 15 on 1st and six on 2nd.

             In November four on 21st, six on 22nd, 20+ on 25th and four on 30th.

             In December six+ on 1st and one on 4th.


Linnet: Present on and off throughout and in every month of the year in small numbers with a peak count of 30 on 6th February.


Lesser Redpoll: In January one on 3rd and 5th, two on 25th and one on 29th.  

                            In February one on 2nd and 3rd, two on 4th and 10th, one on 16th and 23rd, eight on 24th and  two on 27th.

                            In March six on 1st, seven on 2nd, six on 3rd and 9th, one on 15th and 19th.  

                            In August two on 31st.

                            In October one on 27th.

                            In November one on 29th.

                            In December three on 8th.


Bullfinch: In January pair on 5th, three on 12th, pair on 18th, female on 20th, pair on 25th, one male and two females on 29th.

                  In February four on 2nd one on 8th, 10th, two on 22nd and 24th

                  In March one on 30th.  

                  In May two males on 26th.

                  In June pair on 21st and 26th.

                  In July male on 2nd.

                  In August one on 14th.

                  In October two on 22nd, one on 24th, two on 25th and male on 30th.

                  In November male on 8th, pair on 11th, two males on 13th and pair on 15th.  

                  In December two on 7th and 9th, male on 20th, pair on 21st, one on 22nd, two males on 25th and three on 27th.


Yellowhammer: Declining species in the area with the following sightings being made;

                            In March one on 30th.

                            In June one on 14th.

                            In August one on 23rd.

                            In December two on 15th with one on 28th.


Reed Bunting: Year round resident on the reserve in small numbers with up to six pairs breeding.

                          In December 18 seen on 28th.


Corn Bunting: In January one on 20th.

                         In March one on 23rd.

                         In April one on 1st, 4th, 5th, 10th and 21st.

                         In May one on 5th, 13th with two on 17th.

                         In June one on 6th, 8th, 12th and 13th,  two on 15th, one on 18th, two on 20th, one on 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th and 28th.

                         In July one on 6th, 18th, 20th, 22nd and 26th.

                         In August  one on 2nd and 3rd, two on 8th, eight on 13th, three on 15th, eight on 16th and ten on 20th.

                         In November two on 3rd with one on 20th.