Friday, 07 February 2025 Login Register


Thursday 6th February 2025

4 Bearded tits were seen in Cell 'C' in the morning,
To the north west of the Dennis wood's hide, there were 3 or 4 Corn buntings,
Skeins of 30 & 120 Pink-footed geese flew north west over the reserve,
Also seen was Marsh harrier & Red kite, Little owl, 15 Curlews, 8 Oystercatchers, Kingfisher (Carp lake), 2 Treecreepers (West path) & a male plus 2 female Bramblings (Maize field feeders)

Buzzard in Dryham Ings

Posted By: BJNcw on 2/6/2025 6:04:05 PM

Wednesday 5th February 2025

The Black-tailed godwit was still on Cell 'A', with a Green sandpiper on the pond at the back of the Silt pond,
A Fieldfare was at the west end of West Holm,
78 Shelducks & 6 Oystercatchers were counted today,
Later on in the day, drake Pintail & a Great crested grebe (both Crossland's lake), plus another of the latter on the Silt pond
Also seen was Kingfisher (Main lake), Red kite & a pair of Bramblings (Maize field feeders)

Redwing by the Carp lake

Posted By: BJNcw on 2/5/2025 5:37:53 PM

Tuesday 4th February 2025

At the Maize field feeders, today, there was Coal tit, Redpoll & 2 Bramblings,
Pairs of Stonechats were seen on the fence line between Cells 'B' & 'C' & also the North path,
Also seen was Black-tailed godwit (Cell 'A'), Red kite, Marsh harrier & Bearded tits in Cell 'C'

Posted By: BJNcw on 2/4/2025 7:51:49 AM

Monday 3rd February 2025

Again the Black-tailed godwit was in Cell 'A', with a pair of Stonechats seen by Crossland's hide (another pair was by the Dragonfly ponds),
Along the West path, there was a Brambling, plus 2 Treecreepers,,
At the Maize field feeders there were 2 males & a female Brambling, plus the Redpoll,
A flock of 16 Pochard on the Island lake, contained 7 females,
A Grey wagtail was at the back of the Silt pond, 2 Golden plovers east, with an Eygptian goose & Red kite seen over the New workings, Curlew on the Village lake & Kingfisher seen

Grey wagtail at the back of the Silt pond

Posted By: BJNcw on 2/3/2025 6:42:10 PM

Sunday 2nd February 2025

The Black-tailed godwit was at the north eastern end of Cell 'a', where Bearded tits were also heard from Crossland's hide,
An Eygptian goose joined a lone Oystercatcher on Crossland's lake. There was a Grey wagtail on the shore of this lake,
At the West End, there were at least 30 Fieldfares by the Sheep fields,
A Redpoll, plus 2 males & a female Bramblings were by the Maize field feeders
Also seen was Kingfisher (Main lake), drake Goldeneye, Little & Tawny owls, 3+ Red kites, 19 Curlews (Village lake), pair of Stonechats by the North path, plus at least 30 Redshanks (mainly on Cell 'A')

Black-tailed godwit in a dispute with a Lapwing on Cell 'A'

Posted By: BJNcw on 2/2/2025 6:36:12 PM

Saturday 1st February 2025

3 Golden plovers flew south over the reserve,
2 skeins totaling about 250 Pink-footed geese flew north west over the reserve in the morning, with a drake Pintail being seen on Crossland's lake & 3+ Eygptian geese on the North field,
There were 30+ Curlew on the Village lake, plus the Black-tailed godwit being on  Cell 'A',
2 male Bramblings & a Redpoll were on the Bird feeders,
Also seen was Bearded tits (Cell 'C'), Barn owl (Village lake in the morning & evening), Green sandpiper (back of Silt pond), Marsh harrier south, 2 Red kites, Peregrine Kingfisher (South hide), 20+ Redshanks (Cell 'A') & a pair of Stonechats

Drake Tufted duck on the Main lake

Posted By: BJNcw on 2/1/2025 7:11:26 PM

Friday 31st January 2025

By Crossland's lake, there was the Black-tailed godwit, plus Kingfisher,
2 males & a female Bramblings were by the Maize field feeders, with 3 Redpolls seen by the Far Corner,
10 Eygptian geese were in the North field,
60 Fieldfares were seen at the West End, with 2 Goldcrests & a Treecreeper seen along Dryham lane,
Lastly there were Stonechats in Dryham Ings & a Water rail heard from the Silt pond

Posted By: BJNcw on 1/31/2025 6:04:04 PM

Thursday 30th October 2025

A male & female Brambling were by the Maize field feeders,
Also seen was 2 Oystercatchers (Crossland's lake/Silt pond & Cell 'A'), 15 Red-legged partridges (Entrance field) & Red kite (Crossland's lake)

Male Kestrel by the Dragonfly ponds

Posted By: BJNcw on 1/30/2025 5:24:28 PM