Monday, 21 October 2024 Login Register

Annual Report 2012

Mute Swan: WeBS counts of three in January, (with seven flying north on 13th), two in February, and four in March.

                     WeBS counts of six in October, three in November and two in December.

                     One pair bred hatching five young on 23rd May but only two survived to fledge.  


Whooper Swan: 21 flew north on 16th March and were the first of the year.

                            In October one on 4th, 13 adults on 5th, 15 on 24th and18 on 27th.

                            In November four, two adult and two immature on 10th, one adult on 11th, 16th and 17th, 20 flew south on 18th, with five on 29th.

                            In December 28 flew south on 1st and four flew west on 18th.


Pink-Footed Goose: In February 300+ flew north on 14th.

                                   In April two on 16th and again on 20th.

                                   In May one on 13th, 21st and two on 22nd.

                                   In June two on 8th.

                                   In September one on 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 15 flew south on 12th, six flew south on 16th, 200+ flew south on 20th.

                                   In October 140 flew south on 1st, two on 6th, 510+ flew south on 14th, several groups flying south in thick fog on 19th but none


                                   500+ flew north on 20th, 150+ flew north on 24th and 90+ flew east on 26th.

                                   In November 46 flew west on 1st and six flew east on 24th.

                                   In December one on 2nd, 8th, 15th, 16th, five on 23rd, 32 flew south on 24th, one on 26th, 27th and 28th.


White-fronted Goose: In January three adults on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 15th, with one adult on 18th, 20th to 23rd.

                                      In February a first-winter ‘Greenland’ race bird on 18th, 19th and 29th.

                                      In March the first-winter ‘Greenland’ race bird seen on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th and finally on the 11th.


Greylag Goose: WeBS counts of 110 in January, eight in February and 75 in March.

                            WeBS counts of 1485 in October, 84 in November and 153 in December.

                            At least seven pairs bred this year raising at least 40 young.  


Canada Goose: In January one on 26th was the first of the year.

                           In June 15 flew north on 5th.

                           In September 75 on 6th, 220 on 10th, 270 on 14th, 287 on 16th with a new site record of 293 on 21st.


Barnacle Goose: All records of unknown origin with the feral flock on the Humber clouding the records,

                             One on 22nd April was the first report of the year.

                             Two on 24th May.

                             In September one on 8th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 30th.

                             In October one on 2nd, 5th and 13th.


Shelduck: WeBS counts of five in January (with up to 10 seen on and off throughout January), 28 in February and 19 in March.

                  In February other counts of 23 on 4th, 36 on 15th, 45 on 17th and 50 on 19th.

                  In May a pair with seven young on 19th with a second pair with eight young on 24th.

                  WeBS counts of none in October, (but one on 10th), three in November and none in December, other December sightings were10 on 

                  6th, two on 7th and 7 on 25th.


Wigeon: WeBS counts of 21 in January with other counts of 37 on 18th, 27 on 26th and 27th with 19 on 29th.

               WeBS count of none in February but 31 on 2nd, 30+ on 3rd, 17th and 18th, 39 on 23rd and 34 on 29th.

               WeBS count of 13 in March with other counts of 32 on 1st, 29 on 7th, 22 on 16th, eight on 27th, 30th and 31st.

               In May one on 24th.

               In September male on 6th, pair on 8th, 11th, six on 14th, one on 16th, 12 on 23rd, two on 26th and nine on 30th.

               WeBS count of 32 in October, with 17 on 2nd, 12 on 5th, 20 on 10th, 32 on 13th, 36 on 14th, 26 on 17th and 33 on 26th

                      WeBS count 20 in November with 26 on 1st and 30 on 12th.

               WeBS count of 14 in December with five on 23rd and seven on 25th.


Gadwall: WeBS counts of 41 in January. Six in February and 22 in March.

                WeBS counts of 20 in October, 36 in November and 36 in December.

                At least six pairs bred with c30 young raised.


Teal: WeBS counts of 312 in January, 578 in February, 75 in March.

         In July 12+ seen on 5th were unusual.

         WeBS counts of 189 in October, 305 in November and 631 in December, with a maximum count of 1252 on 22nd.


Mallard: WeBS counts of 80 in January, 46 in February, 25 in March.

              WeBS counts in 86 in October, 98 in November and 112 in December.

              At least 10 pairs bred raising 50+ young between them. 


Pintail: Female on 15th January with male on 25th.


Garganey: Male on 14th May was the first of the year with a pair on 31st.

                   In June pair still present on 1st.



Shoveler: WeBS counts of five in January, eight in February and seven in March.

                 WeBS counts of 33 in October, nine in November and six in December.

                 Other notable counts were 37 on September 30th and 28 on October 1st.


Pochard:  WeBS counts of 71 in January, 15 in February and 26 in March.

                  WeBS counts of 12 in October, ten in November and seven in December.


Tufted Duck:  WeBS counts of 66 in January, five in February and 94 in March.

                        WeBS counts of 21 in October, 23 in November and five in December.

                        At least ten pairs bred fledging over 50 young between them.   


Scaup: An unseasonal drake seen on 20th July and was the only sighting of the year.     


Common Scoter: Female on 31st March was the only one of the year.             


Goldeneye: In January female on 16th and 18th.   

                    In February pair on 16th and 17th, two males and a female on 21st, pair on 22nd and 23rd, female on 24th, with male on 28th and 29th.

                    In March pair on 1st, female on 2nd, male on 3rd, pair on 4th, two males on 15th, three on 16th, male on 24th, female on 25th.

                    In October male on 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 24th, two females on 27th, pair on 28th.  

                    In November male on 1st and 2nd, three females on 3rd, two females on 4th, male on 8th and 9th, pair on 10th, male on 11th and 12th,

                    and 14th, male and two females on 16th, 17th and 18th, male on 22nd, female on 23rd, pair on 24th and male flew west on 25th.

                    In December pair on 1st, two on 6th, female and immature male, two on 8th, one on 9th, two on 12th, female on 13th, two on 15th, female

                    on 22nd, two on 24th, three on 25th, one on 27th and two on 28th


Goosander: In January male and two females on 7th, female on 15th, two males and three females on 21st, one on 25th.

                     In February two females on 15th, two males on 16th, four males and six females on 17th, two males and three females on 24th, two 

                     males and a female on 25th with a single female on 26th and  27th.  

                     In March pair on 6th.

                     In April pair on 20th.

                     In November four males and a female on 26th.

                     In December female on 6th, pair on 12th, two females on 15th, female on 22nd, five, two males and three females on 29th.


Red-legged Partridge: Year round resident on and around the reserve with some large flocks 50+ seen in autumn due to local releases for game



Grey Partridge: One on 6th and 14th January.

                            In February three on 6th with four on 11th.

                            In May one on 16th, with two on 25th and 28th.

                            In June one on 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

                            In October one on 6th.


Quail: In July male singing on 22nd and same or another on 27th. 


Pheasant: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers.


Little Grebe: WeBS counts of two in January, none in February nine in March.

                      WeBS counts of 12 in October, five in November and one in December.

                      Pair with two young on 20th June was the only breeding report of the year.


Great Crested Grebe: WeBS counts of three in January, none in February, and four in March.

                                     WeBS counts of seven in October, two in November but none in December.

                                     Two pairs bred each raising two young.


Black-necked Grebe: Three summer plumaged birds on 17th to 20th April were the first of the year with two on 21st to 24th, one on 25th to 30th.

                                     In May the three summer plumaged birds again present on 6th and 7th with one on 8th, two on 9th then not again until a pair

                                     finally seen on 31st.


Cormorant: WeBS counts of none in January but two on 8th and 8 on 13th none in February, two in March.

                    WeBS counts of none in October, November or December.


Little Egret: One on 13th May was the first of the year.

                     In June one on 17th.

                     In July one on 20th.

                     In August one on 9th and 12th with four on 30th and two on 31st.

                     In September one flew west on 10th,

                     In October one on 1st was the last sighting of the year.


Bittern: One showed well on 25th July was only the second reserve record.







Grey Heron: In January one on 20th.

                      In February one on 1st, 2nd and 15th.

                      In March one flew east on 13th.

                      In April one on 6th, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th.

                      In May one on 8th and 20th.

                      In June one on 26th.

                      In July one on 20th.

                      In August three on 19th, one on 25th.

                      In October one on 19th.

                      In November one on 2nd, 3rd, 8th and 10th.


Glossy Ibis: One circled then flew south over reserve on 3rd February and was a new species for the reserve.


Red Kite: In February one on 1st was first of the year, with two on 15th and 16th with one on 25th.

                 In March two on 6th, one on 17th, two on 18th, one on 20th and  three on 27th.   

                 In April one on 7th.

                 In May one on 7th, 22nd, 24th and 25th and two on 27th.

                 In June one on 4th, 5th (when caught and ate a Black-headed Gull chick), 11th and 27th.

                 In July one on 12th.

                 In September one on 5th, 22nd and 23rd.

                 In October one on 4th.

                 In December one on 31st.


Marsh Harrier: In January female on 5th, 7th, one on 31st.

                          In February one on 19th, 25th and 29th.

                          In March pair on 3rd, female on 4th, 6th and 7th, with two on 31st.  

                          In April female on 9th and 10th.

                          In May one on 21st,male on  24th, three on 26th, female on 27th.

                          In June male on 13th with female on 16th.

                          In July one on 27th.

                          In August juvenile flew west on 19th.

                          In September female flew east on 10th, again on 12th and 16th.

                          In October one on 10th, 14th and 28th.


Hen Harrier: Female reported on 26th February, with an adult male flying over reserve on 26th December.


Sparrowhawk: Seen in every month of the year usually single birds but up to four birds seen displaying in spring.


Goshawk: Male over fields to north on 21st, (Lee Johnson), with a pair watched displaying the following day.

                  In October one reported on 13th.   


Buzzard: Seen in every month of the year with up to six birds at time seen in the spring with up to a dozen birds seen in the air together in autumn.


Osprey: One flew south on 29th April and was the only sighting of the year.


Kestrel: Seen in every month of the year usually single birds but up to four birds seen in the air together displaying in spring.  


Merlin: One on 8th and 21st January.

             In February female on 11th and 12th.

             In April female on 29th and 30th.

             In September one on21st and 22nd.

             In October one on 10th, and 20th.

             In November male on 11th.


Hobby: One on 30th April was first of the year.

             In May one on 5th, 15th, 19th and 22nd.

             In June one on 10th, 12th, 17th and 20th.

             In July two on 12th, one on 21st, 22nd, 26th, 27th and 28th.

             In August one on 5th, 10th, 12th, 22nd, 24th, 26th and 31st.

             In September one on 1st, two on 2nd, three on 5th, one on 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, two on 14th, one on 15th and 23rd.

             In October one on 9th was the last of the year.













Peregrine: In January juvenile on 1st, 2nd, 8th, 11th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, and 31st.

                   In February one 10th, 12th, 17th and 18th.

                   In March one on 2nd, 10th, 22nd and 23rd.

                   In April one on 6th and  7th, an d 20th.

                   In May one on 4th and 7th.

                   In June one16th, 17th, 21st and 22nd.

                   In July one on 1st, 12th, 20th, 26th and 27th.

                   In August one on 6th, 9th, 11th and 14th.  

                   In September one on 16th, 21st, 30th.

                   In December one on 9th and 31st.


Water Rail: One on 11th, 13th and 25th January.

                    In February one on 2nd.

                    In March one on 17th.

                    In November one on 11th, 18th, 23rd and 30th.


Moorhen: WeBS counts of 29 in January, 30 in February and 32 in March,

                 WeBS counts of 26 in October, 10 in November and six in December.

                 At least five pairs bred.


Coot: WeBS counts of 160 in January, 167 in February and 120 in March,

           WeBS counts of 153 in October, 129 in November and 116 in December.

           At least 12 pairs bred.


Oystercatcher: One on 11th January was first of the year with one on 27th and 31st.

                           In February one on 2nd, three on 15th, six on 16th and 17th, 11 on 21st

                           In March 18 on 1st, 26 on 6th.

                           In August 3 on 26th.

                           No evidence of breeding seen this year.


Avocet: Three on 1st March were the first of the year, with two on 8th, four on 9th, 16 on 11th, 24 on 16th, 14 on 17th, six on 18th, 31 on 23rd,

              63 on 26th, 45 on 27th, 32 on 30th and 28 on 31st.

              In April 48 on 5th, 84 on 9th, 76 on 10th, 88 on 11th, 112 on 12th (a new site record count), 80 on 13th, 60 on 14th, 50 on 19th and 27th.

              Although a maximum of 32 pairs nested and most hatched young at some point, for the first time since 2007 no young survived to fledge 

              possible due to poor weather conditions and predation. 

              The last of the year was one seen on 2nd July.


Little Ringed Plover: One on 25th March was the first of the year.

                                    In April one on 6th, two on 7th, one on 12th, three on 16th, 20th, two on 21st and 22nd.

                                    In May three on 3rd, two on 10th, four on 12th and 13th, two on 14th, three on 16th, two on 20th and 21st.

                                    In June two pairs on 1st, one pair on 12th, pair with one young on 15th, 16th and 17th.

                                    In July an adult and a juvenile on 14th and 15th with a pair seen with a juvenile on 27th.


Ringed Plover: Two on 6th April were the first of the year, with one on 14th.

                           In May four on 7th.

                           In June one on 1st, 9th and 10th, two on 13th to 17th and one on 30th.

                           In July one on 2nd.

                           In September one on 22nd.


Golden Plover:  In February 24 on 4th.

                           In April 200+ on 9th, 50+ north on 12th,

                           In July six on 28th.

                           In August one on 14th, 35 south on 24th and 50+ south on 26th.

                           In September 18 on 5th, 34 on 10th, 23 on 12th, 70 on 24th and 33 on 26th.

                           In October 78 on 2nd, one on 19th.

                           In December 250 south on 31st.


Grey Plover: Four on 4th February.

                      One on 28th July.

                      One on 3rd November.


Lapwing:  WeBS counts of none in January, 3 in February, 24 in March.

                  WeBS counts of 28 in October, 52 in November, 40 in December.

                  Only c6 pairs bred this year with few young fledged, again down on previous years.


Knot: Three on 4th February were the first and only ones of the year.


Temminck’s Stint: One on 24th May was the only record for the year.







Dunlin: In January one on 13th.

              In February two on 1st, five on 2nd, three on 3rd and 4th with 2 on 29th.

              In March two on 7th to 10th, one on 15th and 16th, two on 17th and 18th.

              In May one on 2nd, two on 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th and 20th with one on 31st.

              In June two on 10th with one on 12th and 13th.

              In September one on 9th, eight on 10th, one on 23rd and two on 24th.

              In October one on 12th and 13th.

              In December two on 9th.


Ruff: One on 29th February was the first of the year.

         In March one on 11th, 13th and 15th to 17th.

         In April one on 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, five on 19th, one on 20th, two on 21st, one on 22nd to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th.

         In May one on 2nd and 26th to 28th.


Jack Snipe: One on 4th October was the first of the year with one on 6th, two on 7th, one on 8th and 13th, two on 14th, one on 15th, one on 20th, 21st  

                     and  22nd, two on 25th, one on 26th and 27th, two on 28th and 29th and one on 31st.

                     In November five on 1st, three on 2nd and 3rd, one on 4th, 9th and 10th, two on 11th one on 12th, one on 16th to 23rd and 28th.

                     In December one on 2nd and 9th with two on 11th.  


Snipe: WeBS counts of 11 in January, two in February, nine in March.

             In September 10+ on 7th, 28 on 12th, four on 17th, five on 21st and eight on 30th.

             WeBS counts of 28 in October, 37 in November and one in December.

             Other notable counts in October of 40+ on 13th, 75+ on 19th, in November with 75+ on 4th, 100+ on 9th, 50+ on 10th, 11th, 84+ on 21st.


Woodcock: One on 1st January was the first of the year.

                    In February one on 5th.

                    In March two on 8th.

                    In November one on 1st and 10th.


Black-Tailed Godwit: One on 17th and 18th March was the first of the year with two on 19th and 20th.

                                     In July one on 1st, 14th and 26th with 14 on 27th and two on 28th.  

                                     In October one on 1st.


Bar-tailed Godwit: One a summer plumaged male on 1st to 3rd May was the only sighting of the year.


Whimbrel: In April two on 21st were the first of the Year.

                   In May one on 5th and 12th, three on 20th.

                   In June two on 5th.

                   In September one flew north on 5th.  


Curlew: In February two on 10th.

              In March seven on 1st and 23 on 12th.

              In April 14 flew north on 5th, 27 south on 7th, 28 north on 12th, 40 on 19th.

              In July 13 over on 5th.

              In August 98 south on 21st, four south on 24th and 9 south on 27th.  

              In September eight on 3rd, two on 7th.

              In October 11 on 1st, 10 south on 19th and 38 on 20th.

              In November 11 on 1st, 30 on 9th, 37 on 10th, 38 on 16th.


Redshank: WeBS counts of three in January (with nine on 11th), four in February and ten in March.

                    Pair with three young on 6th, pair with one young on 12th and 15th.

                    In August adult and four juveniles on 1st.

                    In September two on 2nd.

                    WeBS counts of three in October, 13 in November and 29 in December.

                    Other autumn counts of 10 on 20th November, 13 on 23rd and 32 on 28th.

                    In December 28 on 9th, 22 on 16th, 17 on 21st, 32 on 23rd and 43 on 24th.


Turnstone: One on 7th to 10th May was the first of the year.   


Greenshank: One on 25th May.

                       In July one on 12th and 21st.

                       In August one on 1st, 2nd, 4th, seven on 5th, one on 8th and 9th, three on 10th, one on 11th, five on 13th, two on 14th, one on 16th, two on 

                       17th, three on 18th, two on 19th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, one on 26th, 29th and 31st.

                       In September one on 6th.


Green Sandpiper: In February one on 25th.

                               In March one on 3rd, 4th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 19th and 26th.

                               In April two on 2nd, one on 6th.

                               In May one on 8th.

                               In July one on 7th, two on 9th, one on 20th, 25th and 26th, two on 27th.

                               In September one on 1st, two on 2nd and 11th, one on 12th and 26th.





Wood Sandpiper: One on 23rd to 28th May was the first of the year with two birds on 26th.

                               In June one on 21st.

                               In July one on 28th.


Common Sandpiper: One on 15th March was the first of the year.

                                    In April one on 11th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th and 28th.

                                    In May one on 3rd to 5th, 13th and 14th, 20th, 26th and 27th.

                                    In June one on 24th.

                                    In July one on 4th to 7th, two on 8th, 12th and 14th, three on 15th, one on 17th, 20th, 23rd, 24th, 26th and 31st.  

                                    In September one on 1st to 3rd, 11th and 12th.


Mediterranean Gull: 2nd winter on 13th January was first of the year, and again on 19th, with an adult winter on 21st, 27th and 31st.

                                   In February an adult and second-winter birds flew south at dusk on 10th, adult winter on 17th, and adult moulting into summer

                                   plumage on 18th, and a second-summer bird on 25th.

                                   In March adult summer on 6th, 9th (ringed at Antwerpen, Belgium on 14th May 2011) 12th, second summer on 21st to 25th,

                                   first summer on  28th.

                                   In April one on 9th.

                                   In May a second summer on 2nd, a first-summer on 19th, two first-summers on 20th and 21st with one on 22nd and 23rd.

                                   In June one an adult summer on 20th to 22nd.

                                   In July three on 3rd and one on 7th.

                                   In September adult on 24th.


Little Gull: Three an adult summer and two adult winters on 23rd March were the first of the year.

                   In April two first-summer birds on 25th with a first winter on 26th.

                   In May one on 3rd.

                   In June second-summer on 2nd and a first-summer on 21st.


Black-headed Gull: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 450 pairs breeding.


Common Gull: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with up to 200 birds seen at times.


Herring Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with counts of 100+ seen occasionally in pre-roost gatherings during the autumn.


Yellow-legged Gull: Two, a third-summer and a first-summer 24th March were the first of the year.

                                   In July a second-summer bird on 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 20th,  21st, 22nd and 31st

                                   In September one on 2nd, 3rd and 8th.  


Glaucous Gull: Juvenile briefly on 29th April then flew off north.


Iceland Gull: An adult on 25th February was also seen on 26th and 28th.

                      In March a second-winter on 30th and 31st.

                      In April the second-winter present on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 8th.

                      In May a second-winter flew north through the reserve on morning of 12th May flying back south during the evening of the same day,

                      bird also seen the next day. 


Lesser Black-backed Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with occasional large gatherings of up to 200 birds in autumn.


Greater Black-backed Gull: Seen in small numbers in every month of the year with occasional large gatherings of up to 100 birds in autumn.


Common Tern: Three on 2nd May were the first of the year, with three on 11th, ten on 25th and 14+ by 28th. Five pairs nesting by 15th June.

                           Pair with two young on June 21st.

                           In September juvenile on 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th.


Arctic Tern: Nine on 5th May were the first and only report of the year.


Stock Dove: Seen in every month of the year, usually seen in ones or twos but occasional flocks of up to ten seen at times.


Woodpigeon: Year round resident on and around the reserve with large flocks of several hundred in surrounding fields during autumn and winter

                        months, at least one pair bred on the reserve.


Collared Dove: Seen in every month of the year, usually seen singularly or in pairs flying over the reserve.  


Turtle Dove: One on 31st August was the first sighting of the year, with the only other sighting being one on 4th September.


Ring-necked Parakeet: One of unknown origin on 23rd April was a new species for the reserve.


Cuckoo: The first of the year was one heard on 31st May.

               One on June 18th was the only other report of the year.







Barn Owl: In May two on 8th and 12th, with one on 28th and 29th.

                  In June one on 5th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 19th.

                  In July one on 5th, 7th, two on 15th, one on 20th and 24th.

                  In September one on 3rd and 10th.

                  In October one on 6th, 7th, 13th, 15th and 19th.

                  In November one on 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

                  In December one on 1st, 14th, 17th and 20th.


Short-eared Owl: One on 24th January.

                              One on 25th August.


Long-eared Owl: One flew east over reserve on 19th May.


Tawny Owl: In December one on entrance gate post on 4th.


Little Owl: One on 4th February was the first of the year.

                  In March one on 10th with two on 25th.

                  In April one on 8th, 9th, 13th, 14th, two on 19th and one on 22nd and 26th.

                  In May one on 12th and 13th.

                  In June one on 20th.

                  In July two on 7th.


Swift: One on 26th April was the first of the year, with three on 27th.

           In May 400+on 15th with 200+ on 16th.

           The last of the year was one of 15th August.         


Kingfisher: One on 6th May was the first of the year with one on 30th.

                    In June one on 1st and 30th.

                    In July one on 15th, 20th, 21st, 26th and 27th.

                    In August one on 1st, 9th, 11th, 19th, 21st, 24th and 26th.

                    In September one on 1st, 5th, 8th and 20th.

                    In October one on 5th and 6th with two on 28th.

                    In November one on 3rd and 4th.


Green Woodpecker: In January on 10th, 13th and 24th.

                                   In February one on 4th and 10th.

                                   In March one on 3rd.

                                   In June one on 4th and 9th.

                                   In September one on 8th, 18th and 22nd.

                                   In October one on 7th, two on 14th, one on 17th, two on 19th, one on 23rd, 26th and 29th.

                                   In November one on 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, and 28th.

                                   In December one on 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 18th, two on 21st, 23rd and one on 26th.


Great Spotted Woodpecker: Seen on and off throughout the year usually just single birds but two together seen on occasions.


Skylark: Seen on and off throughout the year with notable counts seen being 50+ flying south on 5th February and in November 20+ on 10th

                     and 11th.


Sand Martin: In March two on 16th and 17th were the first of the year, with one on 19th and 23rd, five on 24th, two on 28th, one on 29th and 30th with

                       20+ on 31st.

                       In April 12 on 8th, four on 10th, 40 on 14th.

                       In July 48 nests counted in new workings.

                       In September five on 20th one on 29th.


Swallow: One on 17th March was the first of the year, with 4+ on 31st.

                 In April two on 7th, five on 9th, one on 10th, two on 12th, four on 13th, 16 on 14th, 30 on 27th.

                 In September 200+ on 16th, 50+ on 21st, 500+ on 26th just one on 29th.

                 In October 100+ on 2nd, 11 on 10th, two on 12th and the last being one on 27th..


House Martin: One on 6th April  was the first of the year.

                         In April two on 7th, 9th, five on 14th, one on 15th, ten on 27th.

                         In September 50+ on 14th, 11+ on 20th, 4+ on 21st and one on 29th.

                         In October 20 on 2nd, four on 12th were the last of the year.


Meadow Pipit: Seen on and off throughout the year with the only notable count being 10 on 10th and 11th November.


Yellow Wagtail: One on 13th April was the first of the year, with one on 14th, 15th and 21st.

                           In May one on 2nd and 3rd with three on 4th, two on 5th, one on 9th and 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, four on 19th, one on 24th and  25th.

                           In June one on 2nd and 3rd.

                           In July two juveniles on 16th, three on 26th and one on 31st.

                           In September one on 2nd, two on 6th, one on 9th, four juveniles on 10th, one on 11th, 16th, 19th and three on 22nd were the last

                           reported of the year.



Grey Wagtail: One on 7th January.

                        In February one on 5th.

                        In September one on 16th, 22nd and 24th.


Pied Wagtail: Seen throughout and in every month of the year in varying numbers with 40+ on 13th January.


Waxwing: In November two on 4th were the first of the year, five on the 9th, seven on the 10th,

                 In December five flew west on 1st, c35 passed t through the reserve on 2nd with six lingering for most of the day, and finally two on 26th.


Wren: Year round resident on the reserve in small numbers with the odd pair breeding.


Dunnock: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Robin: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Redstart: Male on 28th July.

                 In August male again on 2nd, male and female on 3rd.

                 In September one on 2nd, female on 9th, 12th.


Whinchat: One on 9th and 10th September.


Stonechat: One on 23rd September.


Wheatear: In April one on 14th and 15th was the first of the year.

                  In May one on 3rd, two on 4th and 5th, three on 6th, one on 7th to 9th, two on 12th, three on 14th, one on 15th and two on 19th.


Blackbird: Year round resident on the reserve with a few pairs breeding.


Fieldfare: In February 31+ flew north on 29th.

                 In October one on 7th, 19th, two on 21st, 24th and 400+ on 31st.

                 In November 40+ on 9th, 100+ on 10th, 300+ on 11th, 150+ on 12th, 100+ on 16th and 50+ on 17th.

                 In December 50+ on 6th and 20+ on 7th.


Song Thrush: Year round resident on the reserve with at least one pair breeding.


Redwing: In October 12+ flew west on 9th, one on 12th and four+ on 13th.

                 In October 60+ west on 21st, 30 on 24th, six on 26th, 20+ on 31st.

                 In November 20+ on 9th, 50+ on 10th, 11th and 16th, 20+ on 17th,

                 In December 20+ on 6th and 10+ on 7th.                  


Mistle Thrush: In January three on 7th.

                          In February one on 25th.

                          In October one on 19th.          

                          In December one on 13th and 15th.


Sedge Warbler: One on 3rd May was the first of the year, at least six pairs bred, the last of the year was seen on 20th September. 


Reed Warbler: One on 16th April was the first of the year, at least 10 pairs bred around the reserves reedbeds, with the last being seen on 25th



Lesser Whitethroat: One on 2nd May was the first of the year

                                   At least one pair bred on the reserve.

                                   The last of the year was one on 5th September.  


Whitethroat: One on 27th April was the first of the year.

                      Several pairs bred in the hedgerows surrounding the reserve.

                      The last of the year was seen on 3rd September.


Garden Warbler: One on 9th June was the first of the year with the last being one on September 21st.


Blackcap: Female on 11th April was the first of the year, male singing on 13th, four male singing on 14th, one on 16th, six on 22nd and 28th.

                  Family group on 7th June.

                  In September two on 22nd.

                  In October one on 1st and finally one on 5th.


Chiffchaff: One on 20th March was the first of the year, with one on 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 30th and 31st.

                   In September one on 16th, four+ on 21st, six on 22nd, one on 26th and 29th.

                   In October one on 2nd, 4th, two on 5th and 6th were the last of the year.


Willow Warbler: One singing on 2nd April was the first of the year, with one on 5th, three on 9th, one on 12th, five on 16th,

                            In June a pair feeding three young on 20th.

                            One on 18th September was the last of the year.



Goldcrest: One on 12th September was the first of the year.

                   In October three on 29th.

                   In December two on 26th and one on 28th.


Spotted Flycatcher: One on 8th June was first of the year, with one on 12th.

                                   In September one on 1st.


Long-tailed Tit: Seen on and off in every month of the year in small numbers with at least two pairs breeding in the reserve hedgerows.


Blue Tit: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 5 pairs using nest boxes on the reserve.


Great Tit: Year round resident on the reserve with at least 3 pairs using nest boxes on the reserve.


Coal Tit: In July one on 15th was the first of the year with one also on 28th.

                In September one on 29th.

                In October two on 7th.

                In December one on 21st.


Willow Tit: One on 13th May was the only report of the year.


Marsh Tit: One on 11th June was the only report of the year.


Jay: One on 1st September was the first of the year.

        In October one on 9th, three on 10th, one on 26th, 27th and 30th.

        In November one on 1st, 10th and 23rd.


Magpie: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers with at least one pair breeding.


Jackdaw: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with some large pre roost gatherings during the winter months.


Rook: Year round resident on and around the reserve in varying numbers with some large pre roost gatherings during the winter months.


Carrion Crow: Year round resident on and around the reserve.


Starling: Year round resident on and around the reserve in small numbers with the odd pair breeding, with some large winter gatherings in the

               surrounding fields.


House Sparrow: An increasingly common resident on the reserve, mainly centered on the reserve entrance where birds take advantage of

                            the presence of ‘The Wild Bird’ café and the free handouts, flocks of up to 30 seen at times.    


Tree Sparrow: Winter flocks of up to 30 birds seen at times around the reserve. Up to 5 pairs bred in the reserves nest boxes.


Chaffinch: Year round resident in small numbers with a few pair breeding on the reserve.


Brambling: Female on 30th January.

                    In March pair on 2nd.

                    In October one on 27th and 28th.

                    In November one on 10th and 10+ on 11th.

                    In December one on 16th.


Greenfinch: Year round resident in small numbers with one or two pairs breeding on the reserve.


Goldfinch: Year round resident in small numbers with a few pair breeding on the reserve.


Siskin: In January ten on 7th, 20 on 9th, 15 on 21st, ten on 30th with 15 on 31st.

             In February one on 10th with ten on 11th.

             In March six on 2nd, 3rd, two on 17th.

             In September two on 12th, five on 15th, 12 on 16th, six on 22nd and 12 on 23rd.

             In October nine on 2nd, 20 on 5th, one on 6th, 9th, 20 on 13th, 19th, 20th, 21st, two on 23rd, 30 on 24th, one on 26th, 20 on 29th and 31st.

             In November 20+ on 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10+ on 9th, 20+ on 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th and 10+ on 23rd.

             In December 15+ on 6th and 7th, 30+ on 8th, 13th and 26th, three on 28th


Linnet: Present on and off throughout and in every month of the year in small numbers.

             30+ on 7th January.

             In February 40+ on 12th and 60+ on 16th.


Twite: In February 15 on 12th with one 13th and ten on 25th.

           In March two on 10th.

           In October two on 31st.

           In December 10 on 26th and 27th.





Lesser Redpoll: In January two on 2nd, one on 8th, two on 15th, one on 28th and 31st.

                            In February two on 10th, four on 11th, ten on 12th, one on 19th.

                            In March one on 2nd, 3rd and 26th.

                            In September two on 12th and one on 30th.

                            In October one on 1st, seven on 2nd, three on 6th, 10 on 13th, 20 on 19th, 20th, 21st, 14 on 23rd, 20 on 24th, one on 26th, 20 on 31st.

                            In November 20+ on 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10+ on 8th, 9th, 50+ on 10th, 11th, 20+ on 16th, 17th, 30+ on 23rd.

                            In December six+ on 7th, 10+ on 8th, three on 13th, six on 26th and 10 on 28th.


Bullfinch: In January four on 7th,one on 9th, with female on 28th and 30th.

                  In April one on 6th, pair on 23rd, one on 24th

                  In June male on 12th, 17th and 30th.

                  In November two females on 11th.

                  In December male on 8th and pair on 15th four females on 25th and two on 27th.


Snow Bunting: One flew west calling on 24th November.


Yellowhammer: A scarce species around the reserve nowadays with one on 6th January, in February four on 4th.

                            In December two on 8th, one on 9th, 13th and 15th.


Reed Bunting: Year round resident on the reserve in small numbers with up to six pairs breeding.


Corn Bunting: In January five on 3rd, three on 7th, one on 16th.

                         In February one on 25th and 29th.

                         In April two on 19th, one on 21st and 22nd.

                         In May one on 5th.

                         In June one on 2nd to 4th, with two singing males on 19th, and one on 30th.

                         In July one on 6th.

                         In October six on 6th and four on 28th.




Black Swan: In May two on 12th and again on 30th. In June two on 7th, 14th, 16th, then present throughout July, August, and September. (from nearby Drewton

                      Estate where six+ birds are kept).


Lesser White-fronted Goose: Adult on 3rd, 5th 12th and 15th September.


Choloe Wigeon: One on 27th March.


Bar-headed Goose: Adult on 8th to 11th June.